Janet Collection Afro Kinky Bulk Synthetic Kanekalon Hair Braid

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Janet Collection Afro Kinky Bulk Synthetic Kanekalon Hair Braid

The Janet Collection afro kinky bulk synthetic kanekalon hair braid is the ideal choice for those looking to elevate their style with a natural look. Its curly texture and voluminous appearance are perfect for achieving a variety of braiding and twisting styles. This 24-inch bulk synthetic kanekalon hair is soft, lightweight, and tangle-free. Combine it with natural 4C afro goddess box braids to create a textured look that exudes personality. Moisturize sparingly.

For more information on caring for your Janet Collection products, visit our Care Guides section.

Tags:durable kinky braid | 8"x10" afro curl human hair toupee
