What's Going On Under Donald Trump's Trump Tuppee?

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What's Going On Under Donald Trump's Trump Tuppee?

Many people have wondered what’s going on beneath Donald Trump’s head — or isn’t going on.trump toupee It’s a popular question, with Google’s search results showing more than 67 million results for “trump toupee.” And while it’s easy enough to speculate on Trump’s political views and policies, his unique hairstyle has kept the mystery lingering.

Trump’s hair has become a symbol of his presidency, and it’s also the focus of a new book that claims his entire look is fake.trump toupee The author, Michael Wolff, says Trump’s “absolutely clean pate” is the result of scalp-reduction surgery and an elaborate comb over held in place with hairspray. It’s a theory that seems to have been backed up by Trump’s former hairdresser, who told the New York Times last week that she believed the president’s “solid” and slick-looking locks are a combination of two things: prescription hair growth medicine and a heavy-duty application of hair spray.

But that explanation still doesn’t fully explain what’s happening at the front of Trump’s head, where his wildly varying hairline seems to be hanging on by a thread.trump toupee And the back of his hair — which often appears to be sliding apart as it grows up and down — is equally hard to figure out.

That brings us to the second theory: that Trump has a hair transplant or scalp reduction surgery.trump toupee The former involves removing a bald spot and stitching the surrounding skin to fill it in, while the latter is more of a surgical modification that would add thickness to the whole scalp and make it possible for thicker strands of hair to grow on top.

In fact, this is the most likely theory for Trump’s hair, according to Rootclaim, a company that does hair analysis.trump toupee Using information available from the internet and photos of Trump, it suggests that the 71-year-old has either had flap surgery or a hair plug transplant, which combined with a complex comb over would allow him to achieve his current look.

The company’s analysis also suggests that Trump might have microcylinder attachments, which are small plastic tubes filled with keratin, to help support his full head of hair. And while Trump has been tight-lipped about his alleged thinning hair, it’s possible that he’s been using them all along.

Whether this is the case or not, it’s clear that Trump’s hair isn’t growing naturally, and that he spends an inordinate amount of time trying to conceal his wig. That might not be a big deal for most other men, but Trump is a man obsessed with image, who judges his political rivals on their appearance and selects his Cabinet members on the basis of how well they look. It’s not hard to see why he would go to such extreme lengths to look presidential. And while it may be cruel to mock his phony coif, it’s also pretty funny to watch him try so hard to look real. At least until he goes to prison and his toupee falls off.

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